The people of B.C.'s fishing fleet are getting older, and most fishermen on the coast are over 50. Faced with a suite of social and economic challenges to entering the industry - for instance, expensive licenses and gear, few mentorship opportunities, and substantial opposition to the industry among many non-fishing coastal residents - fewer young people are entering and staying in the industry. Fishing is culturally and economically vital to B.C.’s rural coastal communities, and this decreasing number of people taking up the profession portends a worrying future for our coast.
The B.C. Young Fishermen’s Network (BCYFN) aims to foster learning, networking, and growth between young fishermen on the B.C. coast, and is focused on building community between young fishermen and industry leaders. We offer learning opportunities for young fishermen, opportunities for them to access experts and other resources, and highlight their stories. For more information, please consult the BCYFN website.