Emily Orr – Executive Director
A former 2nd generation commercial fish harvester, Emily was welcomed into a livelihood of fishing by her father, a dedicated advocate for commercial fish harvesters himself. Emily ultimately enjoyed skippering the family prawn boat before shifting entirely to land-based fisheries work, and continues to tread a path inspired by her father’s advocacy footsteps.Coexistence of robust, sustainable fisheries alongside thoughtful management of marine ecosystems is the resolute goal that defines Emily’s purpose over the 25 years-and-counting that she’s worked within the dynamic landscape of fisheries and the marine planning sector.Adjacent roles and appointments that compliment Emily’s new position with TBuck include Business Agent for the United Fishermen & Allied Workers’ Union, Director for the Canadian Independent Fish Harvesters’ Federation, President of the West Coast Prawn Harvesters’ Council, Chair of the Groundfish Development Authority, and Director for the BC Commercial Fishing Caucus.
Emily can be reached at: emily (at) bucksuzuki (dot) org
Alaina Pyde - North Coast Campaigner
Alaina’s passion for the marine environment and coast began as a kid, she has fond memories of visiting family in Prince Rupert during the summers. Ultimately this is what led her to receive a B.Sc. in Marine Biology from the University of New Brunswick where she has done independent research specifically within the lobster fishery. She also has field experience in the Pacific Northwest as she is a certified at sea observer and has completed two dungeness crab biosampling trips in Hecate Strait. Alaina is excited to apply the concepts she learned in school to the B.C. coast and its unique ecosystem.
Alaina can be reached at: alaina (at) bucksuzuki (dot) org
Hannah Fiegenbaum - Communications Manager
Hannah grew up on the east coast in the state of Massachusetts. Her interest in the diversity of ocean life brought her to UBC where she earned a B.Sc. in Biology. After completing her degree her focus was set on fostering links between conservation and social justice. She has directed programming and communications for community lead cycling organizations in Vancouver. She has also had the pleasure of sharing the beauty of the BC coast with hundreds of visitors as a marine naturalist. Hannah is passionate about sharing the work of the organization, and the stories of our coastal communities with the world.
Hannah can be reached at: hannah (at) bucksuzuki (dot) org